Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pic 97 - Seriously?!?

This weekend was terrific! I got to see my family, I spent time with friends, and I was able to worship in my home church. Why then was I 30 seconds from crying most of the weekend? Why in the world was I so exhausted the whole time? Why did I spend half my flight from Chicago in tears? Talk about ridiculous. I can count on my hand the number of times I've cried in the last few months, so I hate the fact that this weekend seemed to be such an exception. There were some things said and done that did bother me, but it shouldn't have been to the point it did. The one upside to this, though, is that as the flight wore on, it became clear that I needed to just let this rest in God's hands. No matter how many times I "learn" this lesson, I have to keep going back to relearn it.
This morning when I came into class the note from the sub was not good. I was so upset and embarrassed by my kids. The only thing I could think of is how to make sure they knew just how upset I was. This is when a song started running through my head.
He's still working on me
To make me what I ought to be
It took him just a week to make the moon and stars
The sun and earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient he must be
Cause He's still working on me.
If my God is so loving and patient to continually teach me, over and over, that I need to let things be in His hands, then I need to exhibit that same patience with my kids. I was singing the song all the way till 2:45 and it made such a difference in my attitude.
I know this is long (congrats Anne Lynne for still reading).
I guess by writing all this out, the 'why' for an emotional weekend has kinda been answered.

Pic 96 - M R Ducks

S, M, R

I may be the only person who remembers this, but that's okay. My parents have had two ducks visit in the spring to take a morning swim in the pool for several years. Sometimes they have laid their eggs in the bushes, sometimes not, but it's always fun to look out and see them play around.

Pic 95 - Happy Birthday

While not techincally my grandma's birthday on that specific day, it was the day we chose to celebrate it. It also happened to land on my mom's actual birthday. It was wonderful for everyone to be there and surprise my grandma. Family came in from Florida, Colorado, and North Carolina just to be with her on that day. Yup, it was a good day. And I just realized that the "picture" I took was really a video. I'll have to see if I can get that uploaded.

Picture 94 - Chi town

Yes, it's geeky, I am fully aware of this. But I'm okay with that. This was the clearest shot that I could get through the plane window. I even had to kind of sneak it so that no one else on the plane knew what I was doing. I have some great memories of spending time there in the summer and taking family vacations. All in all, seeing Chicago just meant I was that much closer to home.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Picture 93 - Leaving on a Jet plane

As I have been in the process of heading home, packing is usually done over the course of a few days. Linus decided that this would be a great place to take a nap. After receiving a warning about cats urinating in suitcases, this was put to a stop, but I couldn't help take a picture. Here I come Michigan!

Picture 92 - I am NOT crazy.

One last picture to prove my sanity. My dad always used to say cat's don't like shiny things and they would be playing with them. Well, I can now say "ha". I came home to feed the cats and found this in their food bowl. Now, there is no way on earth I would put my nail clippers in the cats' bowl.
In reality, this just really made me laugh. Talk about the unexpected.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Picture 91 - And the Award Goes To

Today was not a good day. In perspective, it wasn't the worst day you could imagine, but for me, it was pretty bad. It got to the point today when I just looked at my class and said "We need to make a change" and proceeded to move desks around to 10 minutes. Things got better, but then in the afternoon, all went downhill. I was standing in the office when a 5th grade teacher came by and gave me this paper. When I read it, I nearly cried. I really don't care if this student was allowed to choose a teacher or was given a name to write about, it still made my day. Something about knowing that someone appreciates you makes things better.

Picture 90 - Family

I realized I was completely remiss Monday night. I had a ton of pictures of my cousin's kids, but barely any of my cousin. So, I cornered her and said "Smile". Of course there was the obligatory "I look awful's" and "No way", but with some convincing, she did it. Keep in mind, this was at the end of a long day and I wasn't wearing any make up, but here it is. I've gotten to know my family a lot better in the last few years and I'm so thankful for the opportunity.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Picture 89 - indecision

For the life of me, I couldn't quickly choose a picture from today. Some days I have to scrounge to get an idea and others (today) there are too many. I spent the day outside from about 10:00 am to 7 pm. We meandered around town. I played in the park with my cousin and her kids, and I went to the reservoir with a dog. So, I guess this picture will just have to sum up the day. It was truly beautiful and I am so glad to be living in the south right now.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Picture 88 - Is it summer yet?

Tonight was Mexican and Margaritas night at a friend's house. It was great to sit around and chat and have none of it revolve around school. Though one friend did get a kick in the butt for calling me Miss Cazier. One of the best parts of the evening was the fruit though. It reminds me of summertime grilling and eating outside. With all this gorgeous weather this weekend, I'm getting anxious for summer.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Picture 87 - My mind

This small device has been such a blessing, but also the cause of so much frustration. It stores 3 years of teaching and represents an insane amount of hours of working. After thinking it was lost twice this weekend, I have since completely backed it up in two locations.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Picture 86 - Home "church"

This week I decided to stay home and listen to some Graham Cooke instead of going to 20/30. I listened to his series on way of the warrior and have moved on to Maintaining your inner compass. I plopped down on the floor (where else would I sit) and just listened to what he had to say. What a time of refreshing and rejuvenation. I feel badly for missing group again, but it really was worth it. Now to get my priorities right and abide in Christ.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Picture 85 - Mail Call

As my family, or really anyone who was supposed to receive something from me by mail, will attest to, I'm horrible at sending things out. I have the best intentions, but it's a minor miracle if a birthday card (let alone gift) arrives within a 3 month time frame. So when I told my mom I would be sending some picture Cd's in the mail, her response was, call me when they are physically in the mail. I finally got around to it and sent it out. (Now just to make sure some nefarious ne'er-do-well doesn't take it out of the mail.) And it's even a little earlier than it absolutely has to be. Not bad I'd say.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Picture 84 - Play Time

Every Monday night for the past year and half or so have been spent over at my cousin's house with her kid and hubby. Tonight though, she wanted to head down to the park and enjoy the sunshine. W. just loved being on the swings and the slides. While there though, he noticed the excavator on the other side of the fence. He kept asking me if we could go see the "dump truck".

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Picture 83 - Lazy Sunday

Sunday's are wonderful. Until about 4 pm when I realize Monday is not far away. So I have to sit down to put the finishing touches on next week's work and finish grading last week's work. Only three more Mondays and then Spring Break!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Picture 82 - Monster Trucks

This afternoon a friend called and asked if I wanted to go a Monster Truck show. I wasn't particularly excited about it, but she had someone back out last minute, so I said, 'yeah, I'd give it a shot'. Turns out it was kinda fun. Not sure it's something I'll do again, but it wasn't so bad.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Picture 81 - Movie Night

Every fall and spring the PTO at our school hosts a movie night. It's fun for the parents to bring their kids out to a movie and only have to pay for snacks. Because my room has a SMARTBoard, one is always shown in there. When I look at this room though, I wonder how in the world I ever made it in a hut. Of course I had less stuff then. You can see the wonderful curtains my sister made for my last birthday on the windows as well. They are wonderful distraction blockers.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Picture 80 - Shoes

Do you really need all those shoes? Yes!! And I know my sister will roll her eyes, but I can explain each and every shoe choice (even the crocs). In reality, I'm actually missing my tennis shoes from the pile. This, then, begs the question, isn't it about time to put my shoes away.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Picture 79 - Daily Life

When I first started this blog 78 pictures ago, I thought 'certainly, I can capture something interesting every day. Or least something boring in an interesting way'. Turns out I may have

been wrong seeing as today's picture is laundry. My mom and I were having a discussion about laundry when I came home to realize mine was overflowing. Normally, it's a Saturday thing, but seeing as I wasn't home this Saturday, it didn't happen. So, in an effort to not be stuck inside all weekend (it's supposed to be gorgeous) I got a jump start on it. Yup, not really that exciting, but it's life.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Picture 78 - Not quite dead yet

I see this lamp and think of the Monty Python movie. It was originally in my parents house, it moved with me to my first apartment, and has followed me to North Carolina. I probably should replace it and get a new one, but who has the time. As long as it sits just like it is, it works fine. I'm sure, eventually, it will go the wway of the plant.

Picture 77 - For DeAnne

I once mentioned to my sister that there are somedays that the only thing I have time to take a picture of is my bed. This would be the case for Monday. I came home pretty late (much to the frustration of my cats who are used to getting dinner around 6) and was tired out. But, because I knew I still had to take a picture, this is what I got. It's not made, or even straightened, but it's there.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Picture 76

Little One

Today I had the chance to visit with my Aunt, Cousin, and her two kids. Hannah is just about 4 weeks old and this was the first time I got to hold her aside from the day she was born. She is adorable and the spitting image of her older brother and mother. She fell asleep in my arms and I was more than content to let her stay. I am praying that God blesses her life and draws her to himself. What a blessing she is to those around her.

Picture 75

Old Faithful?

I got to thinking yesterday about the places I spend most of my time. I was trying to find "inspiration" for this blog. I began to think about it and really, my apartment, my car and my classroom are the places I'm most often found. I've taken lots of pictures of my apartment and I'm not really interested in letting teaching invade all aspects of my life, so that left my car. It was the first car I purchased all on my own. It's almost paid off and I couldn't be happier. The down side is that my mechanic - Leann - is all too familiar with my car. And turns out I'm going to have to be visiting again this week. Ah well, I'm more than thankful for a vehicle that works (most of the time)

Picture 74

Crazy Cat

So I have this cat. And he's a little odd. Seems that the smellier shoes are, the more he just loves it. He couldn't be happier than when I come home from working out and kick off my tennis shoes. He buries his nose right in and starts sniffing around. I have no clue why; any normal creature with the capacity to smell would stay far, far away.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Picture 73 - Flowers!

Today our secretary hand delivered a vase of flowers to my room. My first thought was 'seriously?!?! I have a kid getting flowers? This is so not fair'. Turns out though, they were for me. A student is leaving our school tomorrow and it was a thank you and appreciation gift. This week has been a little rough, and I gotta be honest, the flowers made it all better. I walked around school the rest of the day with a smile :-) Thank you Flora and family, you will be missed.

Picture 72

Death of a plant

Well, it had to happen. Or should I say it was bound to happen. It survived 2 years and a near death experience. But in the end, I don't know if I can blame the cats or the lack of water. It was a good little plant and will be missed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picture 71

Yes, it is a picture of the cats, again.
The only way I could manage to get both of them to sit still long enough to take a picture was to point a laser light at the wall. At least it makes it easy to see their sizes.
Linus has grown so very much. He's just over 3 months old and is getting to be as tall as his momma. According to a veterinarian friend of mine, his really long tail and big feet means that he'll probably turn out to be a pretty big cat. This is not good news for me as he already takes up most of my pillow.

Picture 70

I have a few things placed around my apartment that remind me of the time in China. Unfortunately, pictures are not one of them. This vase has a significant memory for me. I was shopping at the street market in Beijing. The vendor was trying to convince me to buy the vase. I loved it, but the price was just too high. I turned to walk away and of course, because the rule of thumb is negotiation, the vendor began calling out lower prices. I kept going and finally he came to a price I was will to pay. Of course, this was after many, many times of horribly overpaying because I didn't know how to bargain.